Power of To-be-Mother: Surviving Smog in Delhi

Health 05th December 2019

Congratulations for being a strong and smart mother for reading this article. There are many things to follow, plan and act for your baby. It's easy to take care of your diet and other harmful activities for a pregnant female. But how can you protect yourself and your future offspring from the air pollution.

Over a long period of research study, researchers have found the impact of air pollution on pregnancy. The possible effects of smog on pregnant women and their babies can be avoided by understanding the entire mechanism.

One must know the problem what they are dealing with i.e. Air Pollution. It is in many kinds present in our surroundings. It consists of sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, sulozone, construction emissions, chemicals, second-hand smoke, vehicle exhaust, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, dust, vehicular emissions, smoke from trash burning, emissions from power plants fueled by coal and gas, smoke from crop burning, if we live on the city’s outskirts

    Common symptoms of prolonged pollutants:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Eye and sinus irritation
  • Bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema (advanced respiratory diseases)
  • Decreased lung capacity and shortness of breath
  • Damage to lungs and heart
  • Cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), poor air quality is directly linked with risks of stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic and acute respiratory diseases.

Air pollution is never wanted thing for any organism, and especially pregnant women and babies can have severe impact. It can also affect brain function and the developing baby. For a pregnant woman and her baby, exposure to air pollution can lead to long-term consequences. Recent studies have reported that exposure to high levels of air pollution could adversely affect brain development and IQ levels in children. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that “prenatal exposure to pollutants can increase the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.”

    Possible Impact : Consequences one must not ignore.

  • Low Birth Weight
  • Preterm Birth
  • Autism
  • Asthma
  • Fertility Problems

    Possible Prevention: Prevention is better than cure. Even though its unavoidable to get exposed to pollutants but there is a lot one can do to reduce the harmful effect of air pollution.

  • Check and read the Air Quality Index (AQI) of your city and area.
  • Get an Air Purifier inside the house.
  • Protect your air through making healthy environment by using natural household cleaners
  • Stay Indoor for your condition not because you are weak but to protect your future and be smart to avoid pollutants outside.
  • Skip the early morning walk- Unless you live near a park.
  • Wear a Mask- Cover your face.
  • Bring Air-Purifying plants especially spider and snake plants.

Websites like AQICN.org and DelhiAir.org are in process to check and do research work for checking the Air Quality Index (AQI) in and around Delhi. Let us know if you are struggling with air pollution during your pregnancy.

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