How can the would-be mothers handle their emotions during pregnancy?

Pregnancy 07th November 2017

Pregnancy is a pretty great journey- filled with several physical and emotional changes. Though it may seem not so easy, it is certainly worth it! Pregnancy stimulates the body to produce a lot of hormones. These hormones can have an emotional impact on your mind as well as your body. It is natural to go through several changes at the time of pregnancy.

The expecting mothers grow emotional attachment with the baby within the womb. This attachment is felt by the mother as strongly as it does to the baby. These emotions lead to a better development of the bond between the mother and the baby. Mood swings are prompted by the overflow of hormones. Thus, the pregnant woman may act differently than she generally does. The expecting mothers go through many hormonal changes. Each mother reacts to these changes in their own different ways. Some moms-to-be feel sharp emotions, both negative and positive. The mood of the mother may fluctuate from excited to worried and vice versa or and sad to happy and vice versa.

Now what matters is to empower the baby physically and emotionally during these nine months. Let these emotions flow in a calming way as these nine months will lay the foundation for your baby's future. Keeping a positive mindset helps your body to secrete feel-good neurotransmitters and also hormones which support in elevating your mood. These hormones assist them to induce sleep, decline pain and uplift their mood. Since the baby deserves the most positive environment, the would-be mother should stay calm and composed.

A self-help book or anything you like to read which is calm and positive will help you develop positive emotions. Most importantly, take out 15-20 minutes to read something spiritual or religious to instill those virtues and emotions in your child. You can practice going to temple, gurudwara, church or masjid, praying to god, and also meditate along with your spouse daily to experience good and happy emotions.

You can look at images of the baby and start bonding by having a loving conversation with your own baby, meditation, relaxation, breathing exercises, thinking about the almighty while bonding with the soul, to manage your emotions in a positive way.

Simple ways to manage emotional changes:

  • Do not forget to take naps.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat well.
  • Get sufficient rest.
  • Spend more time with people you love.
  • Share your worries.
  • Don't let the doubts and uncertainties take over your life.
  • Stay positive.

To give birth to a cheerful soul, don't forget to stay healthy and happy! To gain more knowledge about pregnancy, stay connected with Virtue Baby.

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