Nothing can blast the euphoria of discovering you're pregnant faster than morning sickness. Ahhh, morning sickness, the quintessential pregnancy experience, the very onset of GOOD NEWS bells ringing around!!Brings along a lot of changes too. The rejoicing time for a women on finally stepping into motherhood also poses a lot of health challenges, the gush of hormones and many more such things bring about these changes. During the happiness, sores in some not so pleasurable moments where a women feels nauseated and puckish all the time. It is believed that the first trimester brings about some roller coaster moments as the morning sickness is on its peak during this time. So to deal with this horrifying monster, we have some life hacks….
Eating again and again may sound weird but it is seen to be soothing morning sickness to its best ways, as stuffing yourself at one time will surely aggravate the nausea but on the other hand those repeated nick-knack snacks will allow you to keep nausea at bay. Always keep some munching at hand so that the stuff yourself will not add on to your troubles.
The spicy, oily and tangy food is believed to be creating troubles as it is slow in digestion and hence invites your not so good friend-"nausea" to irritate you. So try those extra protein rich diet substitute the spicy food with that jar full of nuts, and some Vitamin- B rich source food too.
It is a true fact that the food when hot, aromatize the whole aura and the very aroma of food aggravates the nausea. So it is advisable to grab those sandwiches and subs that are cold in temperature and holds only salad combinations.
Always make sure that the moment you wake up, you should have something to eat ready. As staying awake on empty stomach initiates those nausea and puckish feel. To keep those things at bay you should eat the very moment you wake up.
The aromas of ginger and lemon are extremely soothing as the citrusy flavor keeps the acid provocation to puke, settled easily. Make some lemon and ginger tea and sip it slowly to sooth and control the urge to puke.
Don't make morning sickness your priority, allow your mind to engage itself in some or the activity. As if the controlling senses are channelized towards something else it will for some time keep it away. So keep yourself busy and acquired.