Labor of Love


There have been a lot of researches and studies abound regarding distress and pain of labor and delivery. The entire process of labor and delivery can go quickly or it can be excruciatingly slow. Here you'll learn what to expect and how to prepare for labor and the delivery of your baby.

Let go of the "due date" in that is originally a generic approach towards birth and experience or focus on it more as a "birth window". Under this section exists, we emphasize on the birthing philosophy from the perspective of a mother; its core components consist of self-discovery, meditation and other self-awareness techniques. This philosophy supports a holistic approach to the mind-body-spirit connection and teaches women how to maintain positivity during the challenges of pregnancy and labor.

Labor of Love is all about balancing a medical approach to childbirth with spiritual and cultural aspects. By emphasizing how these aspects influence the mother, father and baby, we intend to explore how acknowledging each aspect's role helps a mother maintain physical, mental and emotional harmony throughout the childbirth process. The philosophy addresses not only pregnancy and childbirth, but also common postpartum issues couples may encounter.

It is a fact that in recent time the number of Caesarean deliveries has indeed gone up. Now the question arises, is it only the doctors and the motives attributed to them that are responsible for this? Apart from doctors, there are various other factors that substantially contribute to this. The increased age of pregnancy along with other socio-economic and health factors like reduced physical activity {lowered muscular tone, elasticity and strength} and lowered threshold to pain are some of the factors contributing to the increase in Caesarean Sections.

Birthing – A Blissful Experience!


Every pregnant woman eagerly anticipates the birth of her little one, but few look forward to labor. When it happens to be the first delivery, the 'to-be' mothers get unduly worried lest they fail to judge the onset of labor correctly. Preparing for labour should be as meticulous as preparing for an important examination.

"The instant of birth is exquisite. Pain and joy are one at this moment. Ever after the dim recollection is so sweet! That we speak to our children with gratitude they never understand." Madeline Tiger

It is significantly important to realize that the role of each individual involved in childbirth is to focus on a mother's needs. This is all about emphasizing on the importance of a woman's need to connect with other mothers so as to learn from their experiences. Building a network of support decreases stress and increases enjoyment related to pregnancy and birth.

Eventually, it is also important to understand the importance of a partner's role as a supporter in the actual process of childbirth. Empowering women by appreciating and acknowledging that they possess the complete internal as well as external strength to endure natural childbirth gives her the privilege to enjoy and feel the essence of the LABOR OF LOVE.

The baby exists as a core aspect in this philosophy. We encourage parents to create a welcoming and positive feeling for the newborn. It is a believe that these feelings of warmth and positive thoughts would directly influence the birth process and can impact a woman's labor.

Our endeavor is to encourage couples to take control of their birthing experience by fully understanding not only the actual process, but how they can strengthen their minds and bodies to prepare for it.

Dr. Nitika Sobti advocates for birth-in-awareness, implying that couples should be well-informed. This philosophy provides a woman with reliable pain coping techniques to make birth a truly joyous experience.

"Children are an expression of the masterpiece of the human female body." Claudia Panuthos

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