Are You Ready To Be a Parent? Three Things to Keep In Mind

Science 18th October 2018

You become a parent the moment you realize you are pregnant, or a part of such relationship. Pregnancy is bound to impact your life. Even if it ends in abortion, miscarriage or giving the child up for adoption. And if you decide to raise the child, your life will be on a new, undiscovered path.

Parenting should be taken seriously. According to Dr. Nitika Sobti, a renowned gynecologist based in Gurgaon, "Before planning, it is important to get your general health tests done to ascertain your physical health."

In case you are questioning your preparedness for parenting, you are already ahead of the game. Here are some issues to think about when you consider becoming a parent.

Do you want a baby for the right reasons?

Children should never be brought into the world just because you need love. A child's love cannot be a substitute for love of a parent, partner or friends. It is not the child's job to infuse your life with affection, but it's true the other way round. Children should never be brought into the world to fix your own problems. Conceive only if you're dedicated and patient enough to face challenges this journey involves.

Is your relationship stable?

Do an honest and hard analysis of your couple-readiness. Relationships get tested brutally during the first year of a child's life. From sleep deprivation to increased financial demands, both parents face biggest challenges of their lives.

It's all normal and it subsides later on. But if your relationship isn't strong enough, if there's a communication gap, you might end up in a life-sucking abyss. Couples should take the big step only if they're ready to stand by each other in every situation of life.

Are you willing to put the child's needs ahead of your own?

Once a baby is in the picture, things like partying become extremely rare. Babies require a predictable schedule. Seriously, they need your complete attention. If the choice is to stay home with a teething baby or to go shopping, you must be ready to say no to shopping or partying, without a second thought. Your child's needs for attention and comfort must be far more important than your desire to get out of the house.

Dr. Nitika Sobti explains, "If parents have a positive mindset and emotional balance then the process of pregnancy becomes quite easier."

Child rearing is demanding. It can be intimidating. But if you are clear about your priorities and adventures, it leads you to the most exciting and happiest phase of life.

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