Conscious Birthing


Under this section, we explore about the magical, empowering journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Whether you're thinking about trying to conceive, pregnant, or are in the first year of motherhood, this is all about finding some time for yourself and your baby in womb so as to begin explore and express the exhilarating, terrifying, joyous, exhausting, and life-affirming journey of becoming a mother.

While there are hundreds of web sites, books, and articles to assist women in understanding the physical aspects of pregnancy and new motherhood – the symptoms in each trimester, the baby's growth, the foreign ground of diaper changing, newborn sleep patterns, and breastfeeding – this is the only site that is exclusively devoted to helping a woman understand the stages of transition that comprise the building blocks of her new identity as mother.

If you are pregnant, you are housing the miracle of a baby's creation and if you're a new mother you are witnessing the actualization of this miracle daily. But the birth of your identity as a mother is also a miracle! And miracles aren't created without positivity, grace, and consciousness. In order to create this brand new identity, you must shed the old life, all anxieties, stress & worries allowing your other identities of work-self, wife-self, friend-self, daughter-self, and essential-self. Face up your expectations with optimism about how you thought you would feel and act as a mother and then, within the extraordinary mother-baby dyad, your new identity as a mother is born.

To become a mother is certainly a right of passage that organically and divinely activates a woman in such Beautiful ways… Her motherhood shapes her in ways that nothing else in the world can. For a woman, it is the one and only experience in the world that makes her realize her ability to create and to bring forth life in an intimate way.

When women become conscious to the divinity that is taking shape inside of them within their pregnancy as well as after their birth; a tremendous awakening is able to be accessed and the potential for profound embodiment to take place becomes very real. As the heart, and soul are so present and the original nature of her being begins to shine through.

A mother to be soon begins to realize that this little being that is her child, is to be her whole life's mission from this point on.. She selflessly accepts the undertaking and finds no greater joy than in doing so. Whether a woman is conscious or not; her pregnancy, her birth, her motherhood shape her to be a powerful force and instill in her virtues of the divine feminine, and aspects of the mother prototype that are the essence of her existence.. So, what could the potential picture be if women WERE conscious during this process, and on into the rest of their lives- caring for, and apprenticing their children. What if women would inquire into every aspect of their role as mother, and the pursuit of the soul that is their child within this lifetime?

Motherhood is one of the most important transitions a woman endures. The degree to which a new mother can embrace her identity and lifestyle directly affects the degree to which she embraces her new baby.

Conscious Motherhood has been created to offer women this roadmap and information so they can complete the transition into motherhood with confidence and joy. Instead of spending her pregnancy focused exclusively on the physical growth of her baby and taking those nine months as a "grace-period" for herself, woman has to approach each stage of pregnancy, birth and new motherhood consciously so that she develops the resources of endurance, patience, tolerance, faith, and self-trust that allow her to blossom into the mother and person - she's meant to be.

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