Letter from a Gynecologist to new parents

Science 21st April 2020

Dear Parents,

I want to share my thoughts with all the moms who are separated from their angel, leaving them in the medical clinic, and fathers who are facing the most challenging situation managing and supporting the family.

I want you to have faith and be connected to your baby always. Believe me, an experience never lies.

Being a Gynecologist and Birth psychology counsellor, I am going to share my experience and knowledge while working with thousands of parents and all the intuitions which helped my parents in tough situations. They had self-realization and received energy so well in hands, which was self-explanatory for worries they all faced during these circumstances.

A “STRONG SELF” made them aware that situation was not so tough to tackle; it was just a TASK to handle the connection between two souls. I still can realize those moments when few parents were separated from their newborn admitted in NICU, not able to be with him, feel him and in some cases hardly even see him. But they knew the invisible powerful connection between their angel and them can never break.

It’s in your hands.

Yes! You have nurtured your angel for 9 months; you share a strong bond with your baby and now is the time to strengthen it. Let yourself know that it will pass; it shall pass– and despite the fact that it is hard, but very well may change by affection. I would not set out to counsel you; I just wish my words will help you accept.

Being a Mother of your angel, your baby feels you, believe it or not. Babies feel, understand and love. These three together feeling, understanding and love make them more capable in actions then what we think. Let me explain more with some suggestions how a little help will make you comfortable with your little ones.

Ask your husband or any family member you think can bond with the baby to sit beside your angel and talk to him. You may likewise record a sound of your voice wherein you converse with your child and speak your heart out to him, tell him why you are not together, it shall pass no matter what and soon we are going to meet. You can also record a lullaby or any specific song you used to sing to your baby during your pregnancy, as this will help without any doubt. It will make your angel feel you both are around him; distance is just a cause of worry, nothing else.

Try not to be concerned if your baby cries when hearing your voice, let the emotions come out with an understanding as he is accepting your thoughts and very soon will be catching the waves of thoughts you are sending to your baby. I trust the person playing your soulful messages can watch how deeply your baby responds to it.

You may ask nurse or midwives to give a gentle touch to your infant, cuddling will make them glad and content. If your husband or any family member is allowed, ask them to cuddle the baby, give the baby skin to skin touch. For babies touch is nurturing. If it's not possible be patient, it will happen in time!

Breastfeeding is the most important part every mother feels. If you had planned it for your baby, probably nurses or midwives may be helping you to express or pump your milk. When you express your milk give a healing vibration to the expressed milk. Visualize the baby in your hands, talk to him while nursing your baby and tell him, he is safe and protected and soon you both going to meet.

There may be a constant feeling despite of all positivity you invoke that you may feel sad lost or guilty, it will disappear with your constant positivity or healing process.

Meditate!! Meditate!!Meditate!! Yes, meditate as much as you can and feel you are going to meet your baby soon, it will give you inner peace. Prepare well to meet your baby again!! Have faith that it will happen, these rays of positivity will ensure the miracle moment of meeting your angel is coming your way.

Finally when you are at home, you will have all the time to cuddle and hug your baby. Till that time, you have to handle this situation of separation in most stable manner. Your baby adores you and anticipates in his thoughts that you are the best mother on the planet.

Receive same love and vibration your little angel is sending you. Do not speak ill to yourself and feel guilty. Don't be regretful for these situations; instead be thankful you are becoming stronger, wiser and a healer and the same you can impart to many parents.


I wish every mother and father great strength who started out in life with troublesome circumstances, in emergency clinics, in intensive care units or isolation. Many of those babies are healthier, stronger and happier adults. Truly speaking, consistently time is a great teacher and what regenerates most is love. "LOVE HEALS EVERYTHING" I wish you a great day ahead with strengthened bond of love, feelings and most importantly a connection of communication with your newborn.

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