Want to feel confident, informed and up-to-date, so you can enjoy your journey to parenthood as much as possible? You're in the right place! Virtue Baby is The Thinking Woman's Website For Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting.
Virtue Baby is highly recommended by many parents and parents-to-be, midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, birth educators, doulas and more. Around 2.5 million visitors trust Virtue Baby with their pregnancy and parenting journey every single month.
I can't put my baby down! My baby always wants to be held. I can't get anything done." How many new mothers find themselves expressing these feelings after having had their first baby? When my fir...
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Robin Grille, Kindred's Australian Contributing Editor and author of Parenting for a Peaceful World and Heart to Heart Parenting, speaks at UNICEF's Baby-Friendly Initiative in the United Kingdom i...Read More
In this interview with Darcia Narvaez, PhD, listeners discover the connections between the neurobiology of brain development in babies and the current ecological, social and cultural crises created...Read More
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MoreExperience we usually have, while counseling couples has led us to the conclusion that although everyone wishes to have a perfect start for the new life joining them but apprehensions and worries about a lot many things are quite normally perceived by them in everyday life. It's time to maintain your focus on bringing in some positive changes in your lifestyle and day to day activities for having a blissful as well as stress free birthing experience.
Virtues are the very meaning and purpose of our lives, the content of our character and the truest expression of our souls. Babies conceived in LOVE, nourished with HAPPINESS, wrapped in PEACE need birthing practices that reflect and protect the integrity, VIRTUES/SANSKARAS and overall personality and emotional well-being of a newborn.
IT'S A VIRTUE TIME – TIME TO GET OUT! That personal sense of responsibility of having a child is a spiritual experience; you are governed to think and feel the best you have ever felt! And your husband has to be a big support in that. And your mother-in-law and your anties, uncles and everyone!
I would encourage you to initiate in the family, let them know what you value, what you saw, what you heard! Enjoy these 9 months......they never come back!
Garbh Sanskar, a scientifically proven fact, is an amazing way of teaching/ educating and bonding with unborn baby in womb during pregnancy. Moreover, traditionally it is believed that child's mental set up along with personality is greatly influenced by the thoughts of mother during pregnancy.
The practice of virtues allows us to live a more purposeful, better life; a life not ordinary but extraordinary. Living such a life guides us to give birth to a healthy, happy and VITUE BABY. Science has now proven that programming of the baby is dependent not only on our genes but also by the environment a mother offers to her baby within the womb. This determines how we perform emotionally and physically during life.
There is never a better time to start improving your eating habits than when you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding. Good nutrition is important for your baby, even before conception. While a healthy balanced diet should form the basis of a woman's nutritional intake, nutritional supplements can provide large quantities of particular micronutrients.
During pregnancy, exercise is the only way that can help you stay in shape and prepare for labor as well as delivery. Pregnancy might seem like the perfect time to sit back and relax. You might feel more tired than usual, your back might ache, and your ankles might be swollen. Unless you're experiencing serious complications, sitting around won't help. Pregnancy can be a great time to get active — even if you haven't exercised in a while.
Many women have good mental health during pregnancy. Some women may already have a mental illness when they get pregnant. Others may worry about mental health problems they had in the past. It's a result of the normal hormonal changes taking place in your body resulting in feeling sad, lack of sleep and appetite as well as lack of interest in doing things. Be open about your feeling, make time to rest and relax, find time to have fun, Eat well and look for all that is positive in the moment.